Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hello hello

I have created a new blog for my food and entertainment guides and reflections. This blog will now be dedicated solely to reviewing new media communication and possibly reflecting on the influences of new media on the business realm. My food and entertainment guide can be found at 
Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What's actually important?

Awaking this morning to notice the feature news story for the day was: The Republican Vice President candidate for the US presidential elections daughter is having a baby, at the ripe old age of 17. My neighbour has a cousin who is going to the shops tomorrow. My point is, if we are going to focus our news  on another countries elections, albeit a very powerful country, shouldn't we be focused on their political stances on issues such as climate change or war. Not be focussing on the sexual relations of a teenage girl, who will now be forced to marry the father of the baby, to reinforce her mothers moral alignment with that of the republican party. 
I have friends who are in the process of cycling around Australia to raise awareness on the menacing issue of climate change, leaving from Sydney and heading south, currently in Mount Isa cycling 16000 kms to help change the way we live to ensure a better future. These friends go by the organisation name of Mypower. They have gained media attention along the way but no were near this girls pregnancy, the reality is this girls pregnancy is not going to help or harm the world in any major way, so why is it a major news story. This is because we have lost sight of what is actually important, or at least those in charge at PBL and Newscorp have. This is me stamping my feet hopefully you hear and stamp your feet too. Check out the Mypower group, something that is actually important. 
Promise my next post will be on a lighter note.
Welcome all to my blog,
This blog will venture to all corners of the world and into all aspects of my life; food and beverages, entertainment, business, the virtual world and everyday hot topics. One day your enjoying one of my recipes the next you may be discussing the issues of privacy on the internet or even debating the future of advertising this is my world, come in and enjoy.